Page 10, Panel 2 |
Beati pauperes spiritu = Blessed are the poor in spirit. (Matt. 5:3,
King James) |
Page 12, Panel 2 |
Gnothe Seauton = Gnothi se auton = know thyself. Appears in Hamlet,
Act I. Motto on the temple of Appolo in Delphi. Attributed to Thales,
Chilo and others.
Page 24, Panel 3 |
Veni, vidi, vici = I came, I saw, I conquered (Julius Caesar) |
Page 25, Panel 1 |
Jentaculum = Breakfast |
Page 26, Panel 1 |
XIses = elevenses, British late morning tea.;
Cenaculum = upper room (eating room) |
Page 37, Panel 5 |
"The Twelve Days of Christmas". Xmas (purposely) occurs near the
winter Solstice. |
Page 37, Panel 6 |
Quousque tandem = To what point at last [O Cataline, wilt thou abuse
our patience!] (from Cicero's First Catalinarian) |
Page 40, Panel 2 |
Atrium = lobby;
triclinium = dining room with couch |